


let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
arr.forEach(function (val, index, self) {
    console.log(val, index, self, this);
}, {name: 'bozai'}); // froEach 第二个参数改变this指向自身,默认值 undefined

如果要用 forEach 第二个参数,就不要用 es6 中的箭头函数,箭头函数 this 指向函数自身

forEach 还原


Array.prototype.myForEach = function (func) {
    var _arr = this, param2 = arguments[1] || undefined;
    var newArr = [];
    for (var prop in _arr) {
        if (_arr.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {  // 不对稀疏数组 empty 值做回调
            func.apply(param2, [_arr[prop], prop, _arr]);

let arr2 = [
  {title : 'aaa', read : 100, hot : true},
  {title : 'bbb', read : 100, hot : false},
  {title : 'ccc', read : 100, hot : false}

filter() 循环过滤 es6 循环过后会返回一个新数组

let newArr2 = arr2.filter(function (val, index, self) {
    if (val.title == 'aaa') {
          return true; // true:留下,false:抛弃
}, {name: 'bozai'}); // 第二个参数改变this指向自身

console.log(newArr2); //--> {title: "aaa", read: 100, hot: true}

filter 还原

Array.prototype.myFilter = function (func) {
    var _arr = this, len = _arr.length, param2 = arguments[1] || window, newArr = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      func.apply(param2, [_arr[i], i, _arr]) ? newArr.push(_arr[i]) : '';
    return newArr;

map() 通常用来做数据交互/映射 将原数组做出更改

let newArr3 = arr2.map(function (val, index, self) {
    val.read += '10';
    return val;
}, {name: 'bozai'}); // 第二个参数改变this指向自身; //--> (3) [1, 1, 1]


map 还原

Array.prototype.myMap = function (func) {
    var _arr = this, len = _arr.length, param2 = arguments[1] || window, newArr = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      newArr.push(func.apply(param2, [_arr[i], i, _arr]));
    return newArr;

every() 数组里面所有的元素都符合条件,返回 true

let arr3 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
let boolean1 = arr3.every(function (val, index, self) {
    return val % 2 == 1;
}, {name: 'bozai'});

console.log(boolean); //--> true

every 还原

Array.prototype.myEvery = function (func) {
    var _arr = this, len = _arr.length, param2 = arguments[1] || window, flag = true;
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      if (!func.apply(param2, [_arr[i], i, _arr])) {
        flag = false;
    return flag;

some() 类似查找,数组里面某一个元素符合条件,返回 true

let arr4 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let boolean2 = arr4.some(function (val, index, self) {
    return val % 2 == 1;
}, {name: 'bozai'})

console.log(boolean2) //--> true


let arr5 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let res1 = arr5.reduce((first, next) => {
    return first + next;

console.log(res1); //--> 15

reduce 还原

Array.prototype.myReduce = function (func, initialValue) {
    var _arr = this, len = _arr.length, param2 = arguments[2] || window;
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      initialValue = func.apply(param2, [initialValue, _arr[i], i, _arr]);
    return initialValue;


let arr5 = [2, 4, 16];
let res2 = arr5.reduceRight((first, next) => {
    return first / next;
console.log(res2); //--> 2


let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
for(let index of arr.keys()){ // 返回索引值
    console.log(index); //--> 01234
for(let item of arr.entries()){ // 返回给定对象自身可枚举属性的键值对数组
    console.log(item); //--> [01234][12345]


console.log(Math.pow(2, 3)); //--> 8
console.log(2**3); //--> 8 es8 新增方法